1. Purpose: Provide for an understanding of the terms of use and method of mobilization of Dubuque CAER assets
2. Scope: This document is designed to accompany a contact listing to allow for expansion of call-out protocols for CAER assets.
3. Equipment Use Understanding:
If equipment is deployed to a CAER Group Member (Responsible Party) related incident, the Responsible Party will be accountable for notification to the equipment owner and any other requested contact. The Responsible Party will then be required to return the trailer and equipment to pre-deployment conditions, reasonable wear and tear accepted. During such deployments, the Responsible Party shall act in a manner to reasonably protect the trailer and its assets from damage or loss. If damage or loss occurs from response activities to third party incidences, the Responsible Party will work to recover adequate monetary considerations from insurance or other means to return the trailer and equipment to pre-deployment conditions. This provision shall not be controlling in the event of loss or damage to the trailer attributable to conditions or events which gave rise to the response of the trailer so long as the Responsible Party acted in a manner as reasonably expected under normal or exigent circumstances.
4. Procedure: Members requesting equipment for use in the case of a spill or for training will contact the owner(s) of that equipment for prior approval. In some cases, there will be multiple contacts listed for the approval process. Email confirmation of phone conversations when practicable are encouraged to members further document usage.
5. References: Attached Dubuque CAER Response Asset Call-Out Contact Sheet